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Parents: Here’s How You Can Help Your Child be Successful in Band!


  • Ask your child to give you private concerts and perform his/her practice material for you

  • Arrange a regular time and a quiet place for your child to practice

  • Come up with a reward system for daily practicing

  • Keep your child’s instrument in good repair

  • If your child plays clarinet, saxophone, or oboe, make sure s/he has at least three working reeds at all times

  • Get a metronome! (or use the free one at

  • Encourage your child to be extra careful with his/her instrument. 

  • Repair costs are high and sometimes damage cannot be fully undone!

  • Teach your child to be prepared and on time to each rehearsal or lesson

  • Make faithful attendance at all band activities important to you and your family. 

  • Your support matters!

  • Notify Mr. Solis if your child will be absent for rehearsals or lessons

  • Get involved with the music boosters!

  • Be sure that fundraising money, forms, and practice charts are turned in on time.

  • Your enthusiasm and interest makes a difference!

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