Parents: Here’s How You Can Help Your Child be Successful in Band!
Ask your child to give you private concerts and perform his/her practice material for you
Arrange a regular time and a quiet place for your child to practice
Come up with a reward system for daily practicing
Keep your child’s instrument in good repair
If your child plays clarinet, saxophone, or oboe, make sure s/he has at least three working reeds at all times
Get a metronome! (or use the free one at
Encourage your child to be extra careful with his/her instrument.
Repair costs are high and sometimes damage cannot be fully undone!
Teach your child to be prepared and on time to each rehearsal or lesson
Make faithful attendance at all band activities important to you and your family.
Your support matters!
Notify Mr. Solis if your child will be absent for rehearsals or lessons
Get involved with the music boosters!
Be sure that fundraising money, forms, and practice charts are turned in on time.
Your enthusiasm and interest makes a difference!